August is kind of a catch up reading month for me, because I brought home a whole bunch of books from my classroom and school library and only dipped into a couple during July. It meant that I have a whole bunch still left to read for August, so I never made a TBR post at the start of the month. However, I’ve since decided to participate in the ScallywagAThon, which is hosted by HardbackHoarder, Paper Faerie, and Read All the Books.
Ashley’s July TBR
I’m so excited about my summer vacation even though I’m not necessarily doing all that much this summer. I do, however, plan on getting a lot of reading done this summer though and try to keep myself entertained. I’m looking forward to all my summer reads. So what am I reading in July? You’ll find it below the cut.
Ashley’s June TBR
I’m so excited about June because Kari and I are hosting another round of The Loyal Book-a-Thon. I really have a lot of fun planning these readathons with her, and I always have a lot of fun reading for them. We try to keep them flexible and allow for doubling up of prompts and maximum flexibility. People always have things going on and we don’t want it to be overwhelming. I know for me that I will probably have less reading time than usual because as of today, I’ll have to start going back to work and being in the building part time during the week. I’m excited to see my students, but it does mean less listening to audiobooks as I work through the day.
Ashley’s May TBR
And here we are in May, and I genuinely don’t know where the time went. April was one of those months that went incredibly quickly, but yet also seemed to drag on. I also participated in two readathons which made me have this crazy incredible reading month. I don’t think that I will have that good of a reading month this time around, and I’m definitely putting far less pressure on myself to read a ton. However, I do still have some reading plans for the month of May, and you’ll find them below the cut.
Ashley’s March TBR
After last month, I think I’m going to try and take it easy on myself when it comes to my TBR. I have a lot of things I know that I need to read, but I’m going to be gentle. If I don’t get there, that’s okay. Plus I have a vacation planned later in the month during Spring Break, so I’m not going to be bringing too much of my physical TBR around with me. So I have a few gentle suggestions for myself, but if I don’t get to them I’m okay with that. My TBR can be found below the cut.
Ashley’s February TBR
It’s a Leap Year this year! It’s so weird to have this one little bonus day, and I’m kind of excited because it’s one more day of reading for me. I have a nice variety of books I’m planning on picking up this month. You’ll find them below the cut.
Ashley’s January TBR
It’s a new year and it’s time for a new TBR! I’m excited for all the possibilities that are afforded by a new year of reading. What new books will I read? What new adventures will books take me on? It’s an exciting time for sure.
Ashley’s December TBR
How are we already in December? I’m not sure but here we are!
Ashley’s November TBR
I don’t know what it is about me, but it seems like lately I have developed a fear of finishing series. I want to finish these series because I have loved them so so much, but I get scared when it comes to the ending and put off reading it even though the books grace my shelves with their presence. I’ve decided in November that I am going to try and make myself wrap up some series I’ve been procrastinating on!
Ashley’s October TBR
October is here! I can’t believe we’re already here. This year has gone so quickly. I have to admit that I’m really excited about October. I’m not as obsessed as some people, but I really do find myself enjoying the spooky vibes that come along with the month. I love Halloween, and scary movies, so I’m definitely going to take some time to enjoy myself this month. That being said I am hoping to pick up some spooky reads this month. My reading plans are below the cut.