May marked another month of me working from home, so it meant that I listened to a lot of audiobooks again. However, I also got to read some physical books, and I checked some of the beefier reads off my TBR. Overall, it was a really good reading month and I felt like I really enjoyed a lot of the things that I read. Everything that I read can be found below the cut!
Book Review | The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
The fact that anyone can pass up a story that is described as a “Slytherin romance” is beyond me. Maybe it’s a guilty pleasure, but all I know is that it’s fun and enjoyable, and that’s all that matters.
I really enjoyed Daughter of the Pirate King. While Levenseller’s other books are on my ongoing TBR list, this book reminded me of how fun her writing is while simultaneously reminding me that I need to read her other two books as soon as possible!
Blog Tour | Review – By the Book by Amanda Sellet
Hi everyone! I’m so happy to be participating in the bookstagram & blog
tour today for By the Book by Amanda Sellet, hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club! Be sure to visit to full tour schedule.
Ashley’s April Wrap Up
This was a crazy reading month for me. I felt really slumpy back in March and then had to transition into working from home. I expected that I wouldn’t really get a lot of reading done this month despite participating in both the OWLs Magical Readathon and our Loyal Book-a-Thon. I figured I’d read those, and that would be about it. However, I ended up getting through a lot of books and finished off both readathons pretty early in the month. Working from home meant that I could listen to audiobooks while working, and it’s made me a lot more efficient reader. So I’m pretty proud of the fact that in April I read 34 books/novellas. You’ll find everything I read below the cut. 🙂
Misc Monday | Fae Crate Thorns and All Hangover Recovery Crate Unboxing

I was so excited when I found out about this box. A Court of Thorns and Roses is a really cool series and I enjoyed the world building and the characters. Lately a lot of my friends are reading this and it’s giving me a lot of need to reread it. I especially need to reread it after getting this box.
Ashley’s February TBR
It’s a Leap Year this year! It’s so weird to have this one little bonus day, and I’m kind of excited because it’s one more day of reading for me. I have a nice variety of books I’m planning on picking up this month. You’ll find them below the cut.
Ashley’s January Wrap Up
I love the feeling of a fresh year of reading. There’s always so much anticipation when it comes to the new books I’ll pick up or even the old books that I’ll revisit.
I’m off to a good start when I comes to reading this year. In January I read 21 books, of a variety of qualities. One was pretty low in the rating departments, but one will be one of my favourites of the year.
You’ll find everything I read below the cut:
Tag Tuesday | 2019 A to Z Reading Challenge
Before I got really into bookstagram and tags, I never knew there was such a thing as an A to Z challenge. I think it’s actually a pretty cool thing to do. I tried to do one last year, but I wasn’t super successful so I thought I would try again this year.
Ashley’s November TBR
I don’t know what it is about me, but it seems like lately I have developed a fear of finishing series. I want to finish these series because I have loved them so so much, but I get scared when it comes to the ending and put off reading it even though the books grace my shelves with their presence. I’ve decided in November that I am going to try and make myself wrap up some series I’ve been procrastinating on!
Ashley’s August TBR | NEWTs Readathon
I am so excited for August because I’m participating in the NEWTs readathon, which is a continuation of the magical readathon. So, this month’s TBR is dedicated to completing that so that I can try and pursue my chosen magical career which is: auror! I asked for help deciding on my bookstagram and the vote was really close and that’s what I’m going for! I will be prioritizing the NEWTs needed to become an auror. However, I am a bit of a glutton for punishment so I think I’m going to set a tentative TBR for the rest of the prompts and challenge myself to see how much I can get read in August. Keep in mind that this is all pretty flexible depending on what I can and can’t get. You’ll find my TBR below the cut.