November was a pretty good reading month. I tried to take it a little bit easy because I knew that I had report cards this month, but I still managed to get a lot of reading done, which felt pretty good. I also got some pretty exciting books in the mail. Overall, I really can’t complain.
Ashley’s January 2024 Haul and Reading Wrap Up
I always love the promise of a fresh new year of reading. It just reeks of potential and excitement. I have to admit that I am off to a good start with my reading. I read some really interesting books and got some interesting books hauled in. I ended up reading 18 books in January. I’ll dive into the review below the cut, but know that I’m planning on catching up on my reviews for the last couple of months from 2024 as well.
Ashley’s October 2023 Book Haul and Reading Wrap Up
October was a really busy month for me when it come to stress and all that, so I think I might have overcompensated by reading a whole lot more than I would have thought. Escapism is always fun. However, on the whole, it was a really good reading month and I read a lot of really wonderful things. I also got some really exciting books in.
Ashley’s August 2023 Book Haul and Review
August was such a strange but lovely month. I took time to enjoy being a newlywed, and then I started getting ready to go back to work, despite there being a heck of a lot procrastination involved in that as well. I’m very good at procrastinating. I did, however, end up doing a fair bit of reading, and some particularly good reading. It was an excellent month all told.
Ashley’s July 2023 Book Haul and Reading Wrap Up
July was a really busy month for me because we were wedding planning and recovering from the school year so I didn’t spend as much time reading as I wanted to. However, I did conclude the month by getting married so that automatically makes this the best month ever. Ultimately, I read 12 books, which beats my monthly goal of 10 books read.
Ashley’s June 2023 Book Haul and Reading Wrap Up
June was a pretty good reading month despite being incredibly busy. I had a lot of fun with the books I read and I got in some pretty good books that I was and am quite excited about. I ended up reading 19 books, which I’m pretty happy with.
Ashley’s May 2023 Book Haul and Reading Wrap Up
May was an incredibly busy month for me. I had a lot going on work wise, and there was a lot going on personally as well. However, I still ended up reading 23 books, which is pretty good all things considered.
Ashley’s April 2023 Book Haul and Reading Wrap Up
I am a bit behind on my hauls and wrap-ups. I ended up getting very busy at the end of the school year and when I came home from work I had little energy for anything outside of just sitting on my couch and recovering. However, now it’s summer break so I’m going to try and do some catching up. So here is what happened for me book-wise in April. I will admit that the book haul was a little crazy but that’s only because I made a Book Outlet order. Oops. I also read 25 books, which is pretty good.
Book Review | Four Found Dead by Natalie D. Richards
**Disclaimer: I recieved a free advanced reader’s copy of Four Found Dead by Natalie D. Richards through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.
Four Found Dead by Natalie D. Richards is a young adult thriller novel. It is about a girl named Jo who is working her last shift at her job at a local movie theatre, which is closing down. Her and her friends have plans to go out to IHOP to celebrate, but instead they have to avoid a killer. The novel is set to be published on May 2nd, 2023. I rated it 4 stars on Goodreads.
Book Review | The Summer We Forgot by Caroline George
**Disclaimer: I received a free advanced readers copy of The Summer We Forgot by Caroline George through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.
The Summer We Forgot by Caroline George is a young adult mystery thriller. It features a group of teens who worked at a summer camp a couple of years before the events of the book, but mysteriously they can remember no details about the summer. They reunite after the discovery of their science teacher’s body to try and figure out what happened that summer. The book was published on March 8th, 2022. I rated it 4 stars on Goodreads.
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