July was a crazy busy month for me! It was my first month of summer vacation and I had a bunch of stuff on the go: a garage sale, a wedding, camping, and helping my parents move! However, in between and around all those things I was able to get a bunch of reading done. I read 26 books in July. You can find my Wrap Up and brief reviews under the cut.
Ashley’s July Haul
This was a month of bargains! I found myself called by the siren that is Book Outlet! I love this site so much because you can get some really good books for low prices. I picked up a whole bunch of books from there, plus my Owl Crate, and most recently a trip to Indigo to pick up some sequels. You can find my haul under the cut.
Tag Tuesday | Days of the Weeks in Books
Reading is one of those equal opportunity hobbies. You don’t need to schedule it; you can just fit it in whenever you want, and whenever you have time. Personally, I like to read in every free second I can find.
Tag Tuesday | Beverage Book Tag
Today, I have the Beverage Book Tag for you! It’s very important to stay hydrated, so grab yourself a glass of water and settle in for today’s post!
Tag Tuesday | The Avengers Book Tag
I have a whole bunch of book tags that I meant to do on Bookstagram, but I never really got around to them, which is too bad. I thought that it might be fun to share them here, and Kari agreed, because it’s always nice to have different kinds of things to post. So we’re going to start a Tag Tuesday series here on the blog!
Tag Tuesday | Wonderstruck
I saw this tag on someone else’s blog, and even though no one has tagged me to do it, I need to. It’s a book tag based off of Taylor Swift songs, and I love Taylor Swift and I love books so this is perfect for me!
Misc Monday | 6 Month 27 Books in My 27th Year Update
Today is my half-birthday! I am officially 27.5 years old, and in honour of this I want to take you back to a post I made on my 27th birthday: 27 Books to Read in My 27th Year. In that post I wrote about 27 books that I wanted to read before my next birthday. Since half a year has passed, I thought it might be fun to check back in and see where I am at in this special TBR of mine.
Ashley’s June TBR
After May, where I ended up throwing most of my TBR out the window and reading whatever I want, I’m going to try and keep things light this month. I am going to hope to get to a couple of different things, but I’m just going to let myself mood read for the most part. It’s going to be a hectic month, so I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. So without further ado, here are my reading plans for June:
Ashley’s May Haul
I am a bit embarrassed about how big my May haul is. I promise that I didn’t really do all that much book shopping this month except for one or two things, but so many things that I had ordered in previous month came in and so it makes it look like I went absolutely crazy with my shopping. So I guess, technically, I did go crazy in the past months. Just know that I was actually pretty reasonable this month, it’s just that all of my previous crazy ended up coming to my mail box in various shipments this month. Pretend that I’ve inserted the See No Evil Monkey emoji here, because I’m definitely a little bit embarrassed.
Review | Please Send Help by Alison Raskin and Gaby Dunn
**Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Please Send Help for review purposes from NetGalley. Thank you to the publishers for this opportunity.
Please Send Help by Alison Raskin and Gaby Dunn is the follow up novel to I Hate Everyone But You. It takes place three or four years after the initial story, and continues to tell us Gen and Ava’s story. Gen and Ava are best friends and have been since high school. They went to different colleges and so their friendship became long distance and both books are told through text messages and emails. The first is their first year of separation, and Please Send Help is the story of them being fresh out of college and working their first jobs. The girls are older and wiser, sort of, and navigating the world of adulthood.