October is not the traditional month to go crazy when buying things, but it is a month where I start to get more into the swing of the school year. Things get super busy and hectic and I get more stressed. In order to combat that stress, I tend to want to treat myself. I know that’s not sure healthy, but it did help make me feel a little better. That being said, I picked up a few cool books this month. You’ll find them below the cut!
Book Review | The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell
**Disclaimer: I received an advanced reader’s copy of The Family Upstairs from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell is an adult mystery thriller set in London. It is about a young woman named Libby who comes into an unexpected inheritance and an unexpected family history. The book is set to be published on November 5th. I gave it five stars on Goodreads.
Book Review | Love, Heather by Laurie Petrou
**Disclaimer: I received a free early access copy of Love, Heather from Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for review purposes. Thank you to them for this opportunity.
Love, Heather by Laurie Petrou is a YA contemporary, with some mystery/thriller aspects, that draws inspiration from classic 80s revenge flicks. It is set in Canada and primarily revolves around a girl named Stevie who is a freshman in high school and struggling with certain social dynamics. I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads. It publishes on October 8th.
Ashley’s October TBR
October is here! I can’t believe we’re already here. This year has gone so quickly. I have to admit that I’m really excited about October. I’m not as obsessed as some people, but I really do find myself enjoying the spooky vibes that come along with the month. I love Halloween, and scary movies, so I’m definitely going to take some time to enjoy myself this month. That being said I am hoping to pick up some spooky reads this month. My reading plans are below the cut.
Ashley’s September Wrap Up
September was a bad reading month for me if I compare it to the previous month. In August I read so many books, and I felt like I did a really good job. However, my circumstances changed a little as we moved into September, so I didn’t get nearly as much read. I suppose that’s what happens when you go back to work and there are lots of other commitments on my plate then I had in August. However, I have to remind myself that ## is still a good amount of books to read and that 30 in one month is pretty abnormal unless one is reading purely graphic novels. Anyways, lets jump into what I read under the cut.
Book Review: Aphrodite Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer
**Disclaimer: I received a free advanced reader copy of Aphrodite Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to them for this opportunity.
Aphrodite Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer is a short poetry collection taking on the dual points of view of Aphrodite and the poet herself. It releases on October 1st. I gave it 4.5/5 stars, which I had to put down as a 4 on Goodreads.
Ashley’s September TBR
August was just such a rigorous reading month that I’m going to slacken the reins a bit with my September TBR. I’m not participating in any readathons, so my expectations for myself will be less limiting and I can read whatever I want. That being said, I do have some books I want to get to and you will find them below the cut!
Ashley’s August Wrap Up
This was a crazy reading month. I participated in the NEWTs Readathon hosted by Book Roast. It was a super fun reading roller coaster and I managed to get a lot of books read. I really enjoyed almost everything I read, and I loved how this readathon pushed me to get a lot of my TBR completed, even if I did change out a lot of my original TBR. In August I read 30 books, which means I read all but 6 prompts from the readathon and successfully reached my goal to be an Auror. Catch out my run down for what I read under the cut.
Ashley’s August TBR | NEWTs Readathon
I am so excited for August because I’m participating in the NEWTs readathon, which is a continuation of the magical readathon. So, this month’s TBR is dedicated to completing that so that I can try and pursue my chosen magical career which is: auror! I asked for help deciding on my bookstagram and the vote was really close and that’s what I’m going for! I will be prioritizing the NEWTs needed to become an auror. However, I am a bit of a glutton for punishment so I think I’m going to set a tentative TBR for the rest of the prompts and challenge myself to see how much I can get read in August. Keep in mind that this is all pretty flexible depending on what I can and can’t get. You’ll find my TBR below the cut.
Ashley’s July Wrap Up
July was a crazy busy month for me! It was my first month of summer vacation and I had a bunch of stuff on the go: a garage sale, a wedding, camping, and helping my parents move! However, in between and around all those things I was able to get a bunch of reading done. I read 26 books in July. You can find my Wrap Up and brief reviews under the cut.