This is a weird thing to write about. I have to admit that as I start this post, I’m not 100% certain about where I’m going with this. You’re going to have to bear with me as I explore my thoughts and feelings. I’m not going to get too personal on this, but I just want to talk about how I’ve been feeling lately.
Archives for March 2020
Ashley’s March TBR
After last month, I think I’m going to try and take it easy on myself when it comes to my TBR. I have a lot of things I know that I need to read, but I’m going to be gentle. If I don’t get there, that’s okay. Plus I have a vacation planned later in the month during Spring Break, so I’m not going to be bringing too much of my physical TBR around with me. So I have a few gentle suggestions for myself, but if I don’t get to them I’m okay with that. My TBR can be found below the cut.
Misc Monday | March Anticipated Reads
I’m really excited for March. My boyfriend and I are planning on going to Harry Potter World over my spring break and I’m so excited. However, March is also an exciting month for books too! All three books I’m looking forward to come out on March 3rd!
Ashley’s February Wrap Up
February was a weird reading month for me. I had several things on my TBR that I really wanted to get to, but I didn’t get to most of it. Without officially saying it, I kind of threw my TBR out the window. I finished some things I started in January, but anything physical that I started in February that wasn’t a graphic novel was pretty much a no go. I was definitely feeling slumpy, despite the fact that I read 19 things. Most of what I read were audiobooks and graphic novels. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s not really a great thing either. I need to work on my physical TBR some more, but that’s probably a next month kind of thing. However, without further ado, you’ll find everything I read below the cut.