Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favourite shows. I know it’s technically a show for children but I really appreciated the way it dealt with serious issues. That’s why I really like the idea behind this tag. You can see my answers to the element themed questions below the cut.
Air (world you’d love to fly off to): My go to answer for a question like this is always going to be Hogwarts. I really wish I had gotten my letter and been sorted by the hat. It’s forever going to be sad that that is the case. But yep, I’d love to visit Hogwarts.
Earth (book that makes you feel guarded/safe): Tamora Pierce’s books always make my feel guarded and safe. The world and stories she composed are so familiar and well known that it’s like going home. Another book that I read recently that makes me feel guarded and safe is The Host by Stephenie Meyer.
Fire (book that took you on an emotional roller coaster): Recently Ninth House took me on an emotional roller coaster. I didn’t know what to expect and it kept surprising me, which was fun. It also gave me feels and made me cringe. There was all kinds of emotions. I have a review for this here.
Water (book that made you cry): I’m having a hard time remembering the last book that made me cry. Possibly it was What Kind of Girl, which I have a review of here. Lurlene McDaniels books always make me cry as well.
Want to do this tag? Consider yourself tagged.
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