Fact: I have never participated in a readathon before.
It should be a piece o’ cake, right? Nevertheless, here is my TBR list for such the occasion.
two friends and too many books
by Kari // Leave a Comment
Fact: I have never participated in a readathon before.
It should be a piece o’ cake, right? Nevertheless, here is my TBR list for such the occasion.
by Ashley // Leave a Comment
Readathons, readathons! Readathons galore!! I never really knew that readathons were a thing until I got more involved in the online bookish community. Before that, reading was always a solitary comfort activity for me. I never knew that it could be a competitive thing that people did for achievement. That being said, I will admit to being somewhat competitive and also that I love the idea of readathons. It’s interesting to me to try and push myself as far as I can with my reading to see how much I can get read in one month. I’ve always been more interested in the month long ones, but I might have to try to do a week long one at some point. I also want to try and do a 24 hour readathon at some point, but I also really value sleep so who knows if I ever will.
by Kari // Leave a Comment
Do love reading and the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
If so, we have a great opportunity for you: an Avengers: End Game themed readathon!
Each prompt is inspired by one of our favourite heroes, and they range from fairly specific to somewhat general but they are all fairly open to your interpretation! We hope you’ll join us on bookstagram on this adventure as we ramp up to the premiere of Avengers: End Game. Let us know if you’re in by posting pictures/stories with the hashtag #endgamereadathon.
On BookTube? Be sure to let us know via Instagram or here!
Basic Guidelines
💫 Readathon starts March 24th, 2019 and ends April 24th, 2019
💫 Use our hashtag: #endgamereadathon
💫 Post your TBR so we can see what you’re reading (and maybe shout you out)
💫 Read as much or as little as you’d like
💫 Feel free to combine prompts. If you can somehow manage to combine all 29 prompts in one books, we will salute you heartily!*
💫 Feel free to try to challenge yourself and read a book based on each individual prompt. If you can read 29 books in the month long period, we will salute you heartily.*
💫 Any genre, or type of book can be read during this readathon as long as it fits one of the prompts!
💫 If you have any questions, please let us know!
*If we’re being honest, we will salute you heartily if you just join in and read with us.