Readathons, readathons! Readathons galore!! I never really knew that readathons were a thing until I got more involved in the online bookish community. Before that, reading was always a solitary comfort activity for me. I never knew that it could be a competitive thing that people did for achievement. That being said, I will admit to being somewhat competitive and also that I love the idea of readathons. It’s interesting to me to try and push myself as far as I can with my reading to see how much I can get read in one month. I’ve always been more interested in the month long ones, but I might have to try to do a week long one at some point. I also want to try and do a 24 hour readathon at some point, but I also really value sleep so who knows if I ever will.
So on that note, I am going to be participating in two readathons during April, though one of them has already started. As you might have seen on here, Kari and I are hosting an Avengers themed readathon, so obviously I’m joining in on that, but other than that I am also planning on participating in the OWLs readathon, which is hosted by Book Roast. They overlap quite well so I was able to combine a lot of the prompts. So without further ado, here is my TBR for the #endgamereadathon, and the OWLs Readathon, presented without comment. I will go more in depth in my April TBR post.
Mar 24-Apr 24 – #endgamereadathon April 1-30 – OWLs Readathon
- Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Barshardoust
- OWLs: Ancient Runes – A Retelling
- EG: Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes – Set in Winter
- EG: Black Panther – Book with a kingdom
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle
- OWLs: Arithmancy – more than one author
- EG: Hawkeye – contemporary
- EG: Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes – Set in Winter
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
- OWLs: Astronomy – “star” in the title
- EG: Hawkeye – contemporary
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- EG: Ant-Man – Short Read
- EG: Nick Fury – “The Idea” (First Book in a Series)
- The Life of Pi by Yann Martell
- OWLs: CoMC – Land animal on cover
- The Crucible by Arthur Miller
- OWLs: Charms – Age-line: adult work
- EG: Captain America – Timeless Classic
- EG: The Wasp – Small book, big impact
- EG: Captain Marvel – New Kid on the Block (New to Your TBR)
- Romanov
- OWLs: DADA – Reducto: starts with an ‘R’
- EG: Gamora – Strong Female Lead
- The Power by Naomi Alderman
- OWLs: Divination – set in the future
- EG: Maria Hill – Book You’ve Been Putting Off
- EG: Gamora – Strong Female Lead
- EG: Vision – Third Person Omniscient POV
- The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith
- OWLs:Herbology – plant on the cover
- EG: Hawkeye – contemporary
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- EG: Mantis – All the Feels
- EG: Gamora – Strong Female Lead
- EG: Iron Man – Character with Issues
- Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
- OWLs: History of Magic – pub at least 10 years ago
- EG: Hawkeye – contemporary
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- EG: Mantis – All the Feels
- EG: Iron Man – Character with Issues
- Dear Martin by Nic Stone (or any contemporary on my shelf)
- OWLs: Muggle Studies – contemporary
- EG: Hawkeye – contemporary
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- Blood Witch by Susan Dennard
- OWLs: Potions – next ingredient: sequel
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- EG: Gamora – Strong Female Lead
- EG: Okoye – Sassy/judgemental BFF
- EG:Nebula – Features Sisters/Sisterly Relationships
- EG: Rocket Raccoon – furry sidekick
- EG: The Hulk – big book
- Scythe by Neal Shusterman
- OWLs: Transfiguration: sprayed edges or red cover
- EG: Black Widow – Red Cover
- EG: Spider-Man – YA read
- The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan
- EG: Thor – Features Mythology
- EG: War Machine – Book With a Battle
- EG: Loki – Wicked Fun
- EG: Scarlet Witch – Book with Magic
- EG: Doctor Strange – Features Multiple Worlds/Dimensions
- EG: Groot – Features trees in the book or on the cover
- Red Rising by Pierce Brown
- EG: Star-Lord: Features a Space adventure
- EG: Drax the Destroyer – Title with Alliteration
- EG: Sam Wilson/The Falcon – Bird on cover
- EG: Shuri – Book with advanced technology
Other “star” options:
- The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
- Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake
- The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
- The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
- The Midnight Star by Marie Lu
Other multiple authors options:
- Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings
- Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
- My Plain Jane by The Lady Janies
Animals on the cover options:
- Watership Down
- The Velveteen Rabbit
- Lament by Maggie Stiefvater
Starting with r options
- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
So that’s my TBRs for those two readathons. Are you joining in on either? Or are you reading any of the same things as me in April? Let me know!
I’ve been meaning to read The Way I Used to Be for a while now and I can’t believe I didn’t realize it worked for Herbology! I hope you enjoy all the books you read for these readathons 🙂
Yes! It’s got a big flower on the front so it’s perfect, I think! I hope I enjoy them too! Thanks! 🙂