In 2019, I tried to do too much when it came to my resolutions. I had too many because I was trying to fill up a page in my bullet journal. This year I fine tuned and narrowed it down. I didn’t want to overwhelm myself to the point where I didn’t have any motivation to do anything. This year I set seven resolutions and you’ll find them below the cut
Top 5 Thursday | Ashley’s Most Surprising of 2019
Conversely to going into books with high expectations, sometimes you go in with pretty low expectations or no expectations. Those are always really nice times because then you end up falling in love with something you never expected. That’s why it felt most appropriate to follow up my most disappointing reads of 2019 with its opposite: my most surprising reads. You’ll find them below the cut.
Ashley’s January TBR
It’s a new year and it’s time for a new TBR! I’m excited for all the possibilities that are afforded by a new year of reading. What new books will I read? What new adventures will books take me on? It’s an exciting time for sure.
Ashley’s December Wrap Up
How is it the end of the year already? I can’t believe we’re about to start a brand new decade. This past month I read 18 books, which is pretty exciting because I officially beat my record of books read this year by reading 235! I also participated in the winter session of the Magical Readathon, which was definitely fun. I have a few books at the beginning of January to finish it up. You’ll find everything I read this month below the cut.
Misc Monday | 2019 Reading Resolutions Wrap Up
As I read so much, it makes sense for me to set some specific resolutions for my reading. I think I set just about as many reading resolutions as personal ones. Was I more successful in the reading ones? Well, you’ll have to see for yourself below the cut.
Selfie Saturday | 2019 Resolutions Wrap Up
I have mixed feelings about New Years Resolutions but I always seem to set them anyways. I don’t always have the best follow through, but I try to set some basic goals that I want to try and keep up. I set a lot of resolutions this past year, and I’m curious to see how I did with them before I set next years.
Ashley’s December Haul
December is one of my favourite months of the year. I am a little biased though because it’s my birthday and it’s also Christmas. I really love Christmas time. It’s the perfect time to get cosy with a book, and it’s also really fun because people sometimes buy you books as presents. This month I have a pretty good haul. You’ll find it below the cut.
Top 5 Thursday | Ashley’s Most Disappointing of 2019
It’s hard to go into books with no expectations, as much as I try to. I try to keep myself neutral but then I get my hopes up anyways. However, sometimes when I get my hopes up, I get let down. This year there were five books that disappointed me. That doesn’t mean they were necessarily bad books, but I just wasn’t happy with how they turned out. Below the cut you will find those five books.
Tag Tuesday | 2019 A to Z Reading Challenge
Before I got really into bookstagram and tags, I never knew there was such a thing as an A to Z challenge. I think it’s actually a pretty cool thing to do. I tried to do one last year, but I wasn’t super successful so I thought I would try again this year.
Top 5 Thursday | Ashley’s Best Sequels of 2019
Does anyone else have a problem with follow through? I do. I fall in love with these series and then I need to have their sequels in my life and then I put off reading them. I don’t know why I do this, but it just seems to be something that happens. That being said, I did try my best to finish up some series I was reading and to continue one with some of the series I was reading. This post is a highlight reel of my top 5 best sequels I read in 2019.
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