Did you know February has 29 days this year? That’s pretty cool. I figured that out when I was creating this list.
Misc Monday | 2020 Reading Resolutions
Another year and another year of reading! There’s something about a fresh start and a new year that just makes me really excited! So because 2020 is here, I decided to set a new batch of reading resolutions. Well, they are somewhat similar to last years, but personally I don’t mind that so much.
Misc Monday | Anticipated January Releases
Can you believe it’s 2020 already? I can’t, but here we are and that means that there is a whole year of brand new books coming our way. It’s problematic because that means my TBR will never end, but it’s also so exciting because there are so many new books to look out for and to try and get my hands on.
Misc Monday | 2019 Reading Resolutions Wrap Up
As I read so much, it makes sense for me to set some specific resolutions for my reading. I think I set just about as many reading resolutions as personal ones. Was I more successful in the reading ones? Well, you’ll have to see for yourself below the cut.
Misc Monday | Anticipated December Releases
December is one of my favourite months of the year. It means my birthday and Christmas. This year, it will also mark the one year anniversary of my relationship with my boyfriend. There will be turkey dinners and presents, and hopefully lot more time for reading. I’m looking forward to it.
Misc Monday | 27th Year Wrap Up
When I turned 27 at the end of 2018, I wrote a post featuring 27 books I wanted to read. That post can be found here. On my half-birthday, I did an update, which you can find here. This is my final update, because tomorrow I turn 28 and my 27th year has come to and end. So let’s see how I did. Which of the books that I hadn’t yet read at 27 and a half, have I now read? You’ll find out below the cut.
Misc Monday | Unboxing – Owl Crate’s Call Down the Hawk Box
One of my most anticipated reads this month, this year even, was Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater. The Raven Cycle is one of my favourite series and when I caught the first hint of the upcoming Dreamer Trilogy, I was super excited. I knew I had to read it and get my own copy.
Misc Monday | Anticipated November Releases
November means that the end of the year is rapidly approaching. I can’t handle how quickly this year has gone, but it’s really been a wonderful year. However, the arrival of a new month means that there are some more new books coming out, and November seems to be jam packed full of them.
Misc Monday | Anticipated October Releases
The problem with being a book lover and a voracious reader is that even though you read a lot, there are always so many new and wonderful books coming out. I have so many authors that I love and want to support, and there are so many books coming out from authors that I have never read that I’m definitely interested in.
Misc Monday | Borderlands 3
Hello and welcome to the first Miscellaneous Monday hosted by me, Kari!
How many of you readers are also gamers? *raises hand*
One game I’m super duper excited for that’s going to be released later this year is Borderlands 3! This game is rated M, so in case you’d like to skip this post, everything else (including the trailer) is after the cut. There’s also some story spoilers as well.