One of my favourite games to play is Never Have I Ever, so this is a super fun tag for me to do today. Normally, I’m not very good at it, as there are lot of things I have never done, but I’m thinking that I will have a better rate of have done when it comes to book. Let’s find out below the cut!
Met my favourite author:
- I have never! I live in Canada so it seems like most of the authors I really like don’t come here, and the ones I do like always come on a day when I can’t go because of my work schedule. I’m still holding out hope that one day I’ll get to meet JK Rowling or Tamora Pierce.
Dogeared a book:
- I have! It’s not something I do anymore, but sometimes when there is no bookmark handy, it’s easier to just dog-ear a page rather than using a random necklace or napkin as a bookmark. I know that a lot of people think this is terrible, but there are worse things.
Lied about reading a book:
- I have! But only for school, for university. Sometimes there was too much going on and I couldn’t finish everything I had to read so sometimes a book fell to the wayside and I would still try to do the school work on it, so I guess that counts as a lie.
Spoiled a book for someone:
- Possibly? I don’t think I’ve done it on purpose to be spiteful, but it’s possible that I’ve done it accidentally. I think there have also been times where a friend hasn’t cared about being spoiled and I’ve told them what happened.
Didn’t finish a book:
- I have! Again, mostly for university. I usually try to pick up anything I’m reading right now, even if I have put it off for a long time. However, in school that didn’t always happen. Whoops!
Cried over a book:
- I have! So many times. I’m totally an emotional reader and there has been more than once in my life where a book has just punched me right in the feels and made me deeply emotional.
So that’s the bookish I Have Never Tag! Are you the same as me? Let me know in the comments down below!
I’m a huge book crier too!!! Like it’s rare if I don’t cry lol 😂 Great post! :)) <3
Thanks!! I can’t say every book makes me cry but the ones that make me cry, make me cry a lot!