August was just such a rigorous reading month that I’m going to slacken the reins a bit with my September TBR. I’m not participating in any readathons, so my expectations for myself will be less limiting and I can read whatever I want. That being said, I do have some books I want to get to and you will find them below the cut!
Ashley’s August TBR | NEWTs Readathon
I am so excited for August because I’m participating in the NEWTs readathon, which is a continuation of the magical readathon. So, this month’s TBR is dedicated to completing that so that I can try and pursue my chosen magical career which is: auror! I asked for help deciding on my bookstagram and the vote was really close and that’s what I’m going for! I will be prioritizing the NEWTs needed to become an auror. However, I am a bit of a glutton for punishment so I think I’m going to set a tentative TBR for the rest of the prompts and challenge myself to see how much I can get read in August. Keep in mind that this is all pretty flexible depending on what I can and can’t get. You’ll find my TBR below the cut.
Ashley’s July TBR
I can’t believe another month has come and gone and that here I am doing another TBR post. School is officially out and I officially have a bit more free time than I did before. I’m looking forward to getting in some relaxation and lots of reading.
Ashley’s April TBR
April is going to be a busier reading month for me. Well, I normally read a lot, but I don’t normally plan as many books as I have planned for this month. However, I don’t normally participate in readathons and this month I am participating in two. In case you missed my previous posts, I am co-hosting the End Game Readathon with Kari, and just participating in the OWLs Readathon. I’m a little late to writing this TBR, so a couple of my reads for the readathons are done and I have already had to make a couple of changes from my initial TBR. So this will be my updated TBR, and yes, I will still be including the ones I’ve technically already finished. Let’s get to it!
Kari’s February TBR
I had a bit of a high reaching goal in January and last month really sucked reading wise, so for February I’m taking my time and putting books down that have a high probability of being finished.
Misc Monday | 27 Books to Read in my 27th Year
Today I turn 27! It is both exciting and terrifying because I feel like now I’m fully into my late 20s and that’s scary. It doesn’t help that I feel like I haven’t achieved a lot in my life, though people who know me will give me a pep talk and tell me that teaching isn’t nothing. And that’s very true, it isn’t nothing. I am very proud of my teaching and love my job very much. That doesn’t make 27 any less scary and that doesn’t stop me from making comparisons to other people in my life.