I had a pretty good February. There were some moments were I was really struggling, but I would say that on the whole I had a good reading month. I loved most of what I read, and I picked up some books that I was pretty excited about. I ended up reading 25 books, which is pretty good all things considered.
Ashley’s January 2023 Book Haul and Wrap Up
January was a pretty good month. It was definitely a month with a lot of pre-orders so I got lots and lots of book mail, which was exciting. I evern chipped away at reading some of those books, which was extra fun. It was also a really good reading month. My students were very helpful in encouraging me to read a book for each day of the month. I didn’t quite succeed in that, but I read a lot, and I read a lot of very good things. You’ll find what I’ve read below, along with the books hauled.
Book Review | Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa
**Disclaimer: I received a free advanced reader’s copy of Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.
Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa is a young adult romance graphic novel. It features the high school mascot who asks out the head cheerleader because she has a crush on her, but the cheerleader is already in a relationship with a top athlete at the school, and together they are the it couple. Things escalate from there. It is set to be published on March 21, 2023. I rated it 4 stars on Goodreads.
Book Review | Missing Dead Girls by Sara Walters
**Disclaimer: I received a free advanced reader’s copy of Missing Dead Girls by Sara Walters through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.
Missing Dead Girls by Sara Walters is a young adult coming of age thriller novel about a girl named Tillie who is forced to move after dubious events at her old school. In her new town, she makes friends and more with a girl named Madison and things spiral from there. The novel was published on February 28th, 2023. I rated it four stars on Goodreads.
Miscellaneous Monday | 23 Books to Read in 2023
In previous years I have been creating a list of books to read based on my age, but I have not always been good about actually reading those books. However, this year I have decided to not do that and instead I’m going to try to read 23 specific books since it is 2023. I’m hoping that this is a more manageable number for me, but I guess we’ll see. I’m going to list the books down below. Let me know if you have read any of them, and which ones I should prioritize.
Ashley’s December 2022 Book Haul and Wrap Up
December was also a busy month, and I think by this time I was feeling a little burnt out from the year. My course was all wrapped up at the start of the month. Then I celebrated my birthday and it was Christmas and my family was visiting. I didn’t get as muhc reading done as I wanted but I read some good stuff anyways. Let’s just dive into it!
Tag Tuesday | #meandmybooksmybooksandme
Hello, book fans! I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve done a tag and I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve been on top of doing stuff for the blog. I feel a little bit bad about neglecting my blog-sibilities, but I have to admit that I have just been really busy lately and haven’t had a lot of time to spend on blogging. (Sometimes when I am procrastinating on work, I am unable to spend any time on anything else that might be productive. It’s weird). One of my resolutions this year is to be better at the blog, so I wanted to write this post up for you.
Ashley’s November 2022 Haul and Wrap Up
I will fully admit that I am incredibly behind on all of my blog stuff but I am here to finally catch up. First on the docket is my November haul and wrap up. November was a busy month for me because it was report card time and I was also taking a course which really took up a lot of my extra time. So let’s just get into it.
Book Review | Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire
**Disclaimer: I recieved a free advanced reader’s copy of Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.
Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire is a fantasy novel in Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series. This novel revolves around a character named Antsy whose life when severely downhill after her father died. She ends up running away from home and finding herself in the shop where all the lost things go. The novel is set to be published on January 10th, 2023. I rated it 5 stars on Goodreads.
Book Review | Someone is Always Watching by Kelley Armstrong
**Disclaimer: I received a free eARC of Someone is Always Watching by Kelley Armstrong through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.
Someone is Always Watching by Kelley Armstrong is a young adult mystery novel. It features a group of young people who go to a private school run by the company their parents work for. One girl begins acting very strangely and they quickly realize that something very strange is going on. It is set to be published on January 3rd, 2023. I rated it 3 stars on Goodreads.
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